jeudi 17 janvier 2013

interview prix scientifique

What is your name?
Je m'appelle Neal.

where are you from?
Je viens de Trivandrum

How old are you?
J'ai quatorze ans.

Which standard are you in?
Je suis en quatrieme

Which school are you from?
J'etudie à l'école chempaka

Which prize did you win in the apprentice scientist?
On a gagné le premier prix  à trivandrum.

Do you like science?

Oui ,j'aime.

So do you think you can get first place in the nationals?

What do you think  of the whole "apprentice scientist" experience?
J'aime beaucoup cette expérience et c'était génial.

Have you visted any places in pondichéry?
On a marché sur le front de mer.

Are all your team mates from the same class?

How were you chosen for the competition ?
Le  proviseur adjoint m'a choisi.

What is your ambition?
Je voudrais devenir astronaute.

Merci beaucoup.


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